The Aphrodite Archives
"First Crush"
"The Girl"
"The Flower"
"Literary Doodle"
"Crystalasha" & "Untitled"
"Am I Good or Am I Bad" & "Love"
"The Elements"
"The New Myths"
"Thoughts," "Violence," & "Emotion"
"Lolli the Laughing Lady"
"My Favorite Author"
"First Crush"

By Anonymous

First Crush


Have you ever liked somebody, that you think never noticed you?  Well that is how I feel with this boy in 9th grade.  I am 2 years younger than him and I feel like he thinks I’m just another little kid.  I try everything for him to notice me.  When you are in love you think about that person all the time, you talk about him, and draw hearts on your  notebooks.  You also notice every little thing he does and every little thing he says.  The boy that I like is very, very cute and smart.  he also is a very active person who does not like to be lazy.  He is respectful and does his work.  These are the reasons why I like this boy.


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