The Aphrodite Archives
"The Elements"
"The Girl"
"The Flower"
"Literary Doodle"
"Crystalasha" & "Untitled"
"Am I Good or Am I Bad" & "Love"
"The Elements"
"The New Myths"
"Thoughts," "Violence," & "Emotion"
"Lolli the Laughing Lady"
"My Favorite Author"
"First Crush"

By Tonille Watkis

The Elements


They talk slick and sure,

Of lies

Which by pure persuasion

People are made to believe                                



They look.

They look and see the truth,

The innocent truth,

That is misconstructed,

And just like lies spoken by mouth,

This deferred innocence is believed too.



They listen.

They listen too hard,

And hear private conversations,

Not meant to be heard,

Though conversations are innocent,

When heard by wrong ears,

And taken the wrong way,

people’s feelings get hurt,

and those who spoke these “incriminating” words,

wrongly accused.



They touch.

They touch too much,

They tell stories of bodies,

that once conversed too closely,

through your body language,

you tell on yourself,

through facial expression,

your feelings for someone else.



They think.

They think and conspire,

The ultimate Devils,

Because of your thoughts,

Yourself pride has no level,

No limitations,

So you make decisions,

So very rash and sudden, when thoughts escape through your deceitful mouth,

You regret that the thought process is over.


The Elements.

These 5 Elements,

They make us up, they mean something,

They’re innocent,

They’re harmless,


They’re Not!

They wear masks themselves,

To disguise the bad,

Not to be unveiled,

Until those who gossip,

Get caught up,

And their A**** are exposed.








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